Sunday, February 4, 2007

Second Long Run of the Season - CHECK!

John and I completed our second long run of the season today. Yes, I said John and I - Dad flaked again. Excuse this week - he didn't want to miss the Super Bowl Pre-Game show. In his defense, he did run 5 yesterday so I'm not going to be too hard on him. But next week, no more miss nice girl.

I'm not sure how many miles we did but I would guesstimate between 7 and 8. We ran for 90 minutes and took a more difficult route this week. At one point we scaled a hill that I know was more than a 45 degree incline. It was tough, but it felt good. I hope by integrating more hills in our runs this year that we will be better able to handle the hills in the marathon. Overall, the sun was warmer today and I really enjoyed filling my lungs with fresh air - file this one under good run!

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