Friday, April 4, 2008

What a Week!

This week has just flown by for me. I've been so busy with a multitude of projects at work I've been working through lunch and working late almost every night. I've been so busy working I completely forgot to do the "Want Me Wednesday" post this week. I honestly thought it was Tuesday all day on Wednesday, LOL. Oh well, I'll get back on track next week.

One thing I did manage to get done Sunday night was to sign up for Bloglines. I think I'm the last person on the planet to hop on board this nifty website, but so far I am loving it! I have added all the blogs I stalk - my friend's blogs, blogs that inspire me, people who I wish were my friends, LOL! I think this is going to help me tremendously in keeping up with everyone. So please, if you blog, leave me a comment so I can be sure that I've added you to my feed. And I have a question for those of you who are already using this service - how do you leave comments? Is there a way to do it directly from Bloglines or do you actually need to open the blog in a new window to be able to comment?? Thanks in advance for helping out a not-so-techie girl! Oh and I added a handy little "add my blog" button on the side for those of you who are already signed up.

Not much else going on around here. Tomorrow I'm going to take advantage of not having to work and visit Ladies of Charity with mom - a local thrift store run by Catholic Charities that's only open for a limited time each season. I got some really great stuff last time we went so I'm hoping tomorrow will be just as good!

Ohh oh ohh!! I almost forgot!! I'm WAY behind on my "Overlooked" assignments, but I did actually take the pic for last month, so here it is, my lovely fridge:


Amanda said...


TheresaK said...

I just signed up yesterday for bloglines, because of you. LOL!

I figure it if keeps you organized, It is a must have! Thanks.

Love the pic of your fridge!

Anonymous said...

I like the fridge pic.

I love Bloglines too! I didn't sign up until like a month ago, and now I feel like I keep up with everything and everyone! I sub to yours just now!