Saturday, February 9, 2008

Overlooked Subject 2

Subject 2 has been up for quite some time now over at Overlooked, but I'm just now getting photos taken and the story told. This was a really good one for me b/c I was no doubt in denial about having "collections." I thought I was really good about reducing clutter and not having too many of any one thing. And then I entered my closet one morning and happened to glance over at the laundry basket full of purses. There was my collection staring me in the face.

And it's so funny once I started to take a photo of them I realized that each and everyone of them has a story behind it. I'm going to take this opportunity to introduce you to just a few of my favorites :)

We'll start with an oldie. I bought this purse at my favorite thrift store in high school - Southern Thrift. It was a quarter and I just love it. It's dingy on the bottom from use and I hardley carry it anymore for that reason but I still just can't get rid of it. It's like an old friend or something.

Then there's the purse that John bought me on our honeymoon. It wasn't terribly expensive - we got it at one of those markets where you bargain, but I think it is the most beautiful one that I own. So beautiful in fact that I've never used it! I must be crazy, but I'm sure one day there will be an occasion I deem special enough to use this purse. It's probably my favorite of them all!

These are purses that my friend Martha made. I love them not only because they have pugs on them, but also because they remind me of her! I do carry them, but I try not to over-use them since they are handmade. I want them to last a long time!

Last but not least is this purse. I love it b/c it's turquois, one of my favorite colors and because it has so many pockets! I love to compartmentalize and this purse is perfect for that. I also like the story behind how I aquired this purse. It's one of the more expensive purses I own (which isn't saying much b/c since I have so many I don't spend a lot on any one) and I looked at it online everyday for probably 3 months before I decided to take the plunge. It was only available from a store we don't have in my area and a friend's husband was taking a business trip to a location that did have said store and he brought it back for me. What a great guy - thanks again Camilo!!

So that about wraps it up, I could go on like this about all of my purses but I've probably already told you more than you ever wanted to know, LOL. So what do you collect?? Leave me a comment with the answer or even join the flikr overlooked group if you feel inspired!!


Amanda said...

I collect scrappy! Oh and cake supplies and yarn and candles and....oh no! I'm a hoarder!

Amber Ulmer said...

Love me some Overlooked!! Awesome turquiose purse!!!!

TheresaK said...

I LOVE all those purses!! Especially the pug ones!!