Saturday, May 31, 2008

Too Much Time on My Hands???

LOL! No I didn't just do that b/c I was bored, it's for my friend Tiffany's birthday card. These three are my oldest girlfriends - Melanie (Charlotte), Tiffany (Carrie), and Baljeet (Samantha). I'm getting all teary eyed again just thinking about them. We have all been through a lot together. We've even "broken up" and found our way back together. I'm not going to ruin it for anybody that hasn't seen the movie yet, but I do want to talk about one of the main themes of the movie - Forgiveness. This is something that I used to have a huge problem with. I could hold a grudge like no body's business. And I'm not going to lie, I suspect it's something I will have to work hard at NOT doing for the rest of my life.

I am so thankful that I finally have grown up enough to realize that by not forgiving and moving on, the person I was hurting the most was myself. Life is a constant series of changes. What is that phrase...the only thing constant is change? That is so true, but contrary to what some people think SATC is not really about sex. It's about friendship and the realization that no matter how much things in your life change your friendships don't have to.

Well now I'm a teary mess again, but I just wanted to get that out. To all my friends - You are all strong, amazing, beautiful women and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you!!


*reyanna* said...

What a great post, Amber! My sister saw SATC too, and she said it was perfect. I still have to finish the series DVDs before I see it, but I will see it! :) That photo is too funny. :)

Melanie said...

I love you, Ambernator!

Anonymous said...

Amber!!! I love this picture, I am going to blow it up and frame it!!! I got teary eyed seeing it. I love that I'm Samantha, lol! Misss u sooo much! I am glad to hear you're doing great. I haven't seen the movie yet, but soon hopefully. And we gotta see each other soon... I'm off to bed, but I will call soon to catch up. Love u!!

Amanda said...

Beautiful post! And the pic is GREAT!