Monday, September 3, 2007

The Longest Long Weekend EVER!

The title pretty much sums up how I feel about this weekend. It was fun but man, am I ever tired!!!

Friday night I went over to my mom's friend's house who has been to China many many times to get some advice on my trip. She is the founder of Annabelle's Wish - a charity that aids Chinese orphans. We talked for hours and she showed me photos from her trips to the orphanages. It is truly heart breaking to see the conditions these poor children live in. My friends and I are going to be taking boxes of supplies over to mail to the orphanages once we are inside China since the postage is so much more if they are shipped from state side. Please take a minute to check out their website and especially their wish list.

Then on Saturday John and I attended the wedding of some good friends, Shouvik and Anu. I had never been to an Indian Wedding before. It was incredibly beautiful. John took a ton of pics. Here are some of my favorites:


Then Sunday I got up bright and early and drove to Jackson to pick up Bart and Barcley for their transport to Nashville. And this is when I discovered that my Jeep was dead :( It seems that it's probably a problem with the battery terminal again, but really, should I need to replace the battery terminals every 4 months?!?! I don't think so!! Thankfully it went dead at home this time and John was here so I was able to use his car.

Then last night we went to the reception for Shouvik and Anu which was also incredibly beautiful. I am so happy for them both. Hopefully we can get together when they return from their honeymoon.

And after we left the reception, we went to yet another wedding reception - this time for one of John's uncles. It was great visiting with his family and the food was wonderful. I wanted to get some pics but by this time we were so tired it was all we could do to sit and eat, LOL!!

So now it is Monday at 12:39pm and I am just now finishing getting caught up on all my online duties. I think I shall lay on the couch for the entire rest of the day!


Octopusouphut said...

Just had to stop in and say those pictures are gorgius! (Even though I can't spell worth a Shirt! lol!)

Off to go take my last 2 finals. And the 2 weeks of NOTHING!

Enjoy your day :)

Veronica Starr said...

WOW! that wedding looked beautiful! how cool to be a part of that, even just to watch. Great photos!

Unknown said...

how beautiful! you got some amazing pictures there!

Stephanie aka choxiegirl

*reyanna* said...

You're going to Chinese orphanages while you're there?! You are awesome, Amber!! If we decide to have children, we really would like to adopt from China. I'd love to make a trip out there! I know you're going to have a great time. And love the pictures from the reception!

Amanda said...

Oh my! Those photos are stunning...the bride was BEAUTIFUL! Glad you had a great weekend!

Lynette said...

Just now getting around to reading about your incredibly busy Labor Day weekend. whew - made me tired just reading it. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful bride!