Saturday, July 7, 2007


I've got bronchitis AGAIN! This is the second time in only a few months. Blech. It's causing me a serious amount of lost sleep b/c when I lay down the coughing gets worse. And now everytime I've tried to update my blog lately, I can't put in a title. Errgg! It must be a bug in the blogger program b/c it's the same way over on the Scissor Sisters Scrapblog I post to on Saturdays. And yes, I would like a little cheese with my whine :)


Lynette said...

I hope you get over this bronchitus ASAP! That can be serious stuff. And you can have all the cheese/whine you want - when ya feel cruddy and the internet won't cooperate - ya get to whine!

Amanda said...

Hope your coughing gets better so you can get a good nights sleep!

Octopusouphut said...

Awww. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I'm missing you on the Sans thread :( I don't know much about bronchitis...but can you take a cough supresent...or would that even help?

Anyway, feel better soon!