Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm such an oddball....

I just realized when posting my weekly column over at SSSB that I'm a complete oddball. Or maybe I'm just getting too old to be trendy anymore, LOL (Lord I hope that's not the case, I'm not even 26 yet!!!). Let me explain....

(1) The bird trend. OMG, the bird trend. Please God let this come to an end soon. I do not and will never understand the recent obsession with all things feather, flappy, and just darn disgusting. Yes, I realize that my deep-seeded fear of all things with feathers and beaks makes me a bit biased on this subject, but when I can't even walk around my LSS without practically going into a panic attack, what has this world come to?!?!

(2) Skulls?? Really, Skulls?? I can't imagine anything more disgusting and non-feminine. Yes that's right, I'm a girly-girl and proud of it. I want nothing to do with the dern things. (Ok confession - I've done one skull LO but it was for a friend!!). I know this skull obession seems to have stemmed from the sucess of all the Pirates of the Carribean movies so perhaps if I hadn't fallen asleep in the 1st one and never watched the 2nd and 3rd I could understand this a little bit better. Que sera sera - I just hope this trend ends soon!!

I could go on, but all this negative energy has tired me out!! I need to go run it off, then I'll feel better!!


Shaunna :) said...

Aw come on now! Seriously, though, sometimes I feel like I am getting too old for trends, or moreso that I am going to look like the immature idiot for still following them at my age... But I don't wanna grow up yet - it's still fun being 25!! (And hey, the clothes still look good on me, and sadly, the skulls are my thing right now... don't even know why.) But you have a good point. I don't think you're getting too old for the trends, or you're the oddball - you're just Amber, doin' your own thing, and that's why I like ya so much. Birds or no birds. :)

Sarah said...

Birds I deal with as most of them aren't realistic...but I am totally with you on the skull thing. Don't get it at all. Just not me. :)