Monday, January 29, 2007

First Long Run of the Season - CHECK!

Yesterday John and I completed our first long run of the season. Long of course is a relative term. It was only 5 miles, which in a few weeks won't be very long at all but it's the farthest I've gone in months. It was bitter cold, I think I heard the high was 28. It wasn't too bad after was had warmed up, but the wind remained sharply chilly throughout the run. And it's funny how training on a treadmill during the week can cause you to forget how daunting hills can be!

It was just John and I since Dad is still recovering from his nose job. The subject of Dad's nose job is indeed a touchy one. He claims it was to help him breath more clearly and hence run faster, but I have my suspicion it has something to do with a milestone birthday coming up later this year. Here's a question for you to ponder on your next run - Should I be offended that my Father has opted for a nose job when clearly I have his "old" nose?

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