Monday, January 29, 2007

First Long Run of the Season - CHECK!

Yesterday John and I completed our first long run of the season. Long of course is a relative term. It was only 5 miles, which in a few weeks won't be very long at all but it's the farthest I've gone in months. It was bitter cold, I think I heard the high was 28. It wasn't too bad after was had warmed up, but the wind remained sharply chilly throughout the run. And it's funny how training on a treadmill during the week can cause you to forget how daunting hills can be!

It was just John and I since Dad is still recovering from his nose job. The subject of Dad's nose job is indeed a touchy one. He claims it was to help him breath more clearly and hence run faster, but I have my suspicion it has something to do with a milestone birthday coming up later this year. Here's a question for you to ponder on your next run - Should I be offended that my Father has opted for a nose job when clearly I have his "old" nose?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Marathon Training - Week 1 in review

Well I made it through the first work week of marathon training and managed to fit in all of my week day runs! It's still the first week so I'm still getting in the routine, but I already feel stronger. I can't wait until it warms up and the sun stays out longer. I miss my post-work runs in the park. Lunchtime treadmill sessions are a poor substitute for feeling the sun on my face and the wind on my back. You never have to stand in line for the park. Which leads me right into my first blog-rant. I have a HUGE problem with what I have dubbed the "Clothes Walkers." These are women at the office who work out at lunch WHILE STILL WEARING THEIR WORK CLOTHES! Someone please tell me I am not alone in my disgust at this!?! The work out room is like a freakin sauna and they are working out. I KNOW they are sweating. Not only is this gross but these women are the ones causing me to have to wait in line for the treadmill. Errrr!! I am seriously considering putting up my own sign next to the "Please limit your treadmill use to 30 minutes, thanks, HR" that says "Please change into workout clothes before working out, thanks, your coworkers."